服务内容 万宽影视http:/// 作为一个集创意策划、影像制作、综合执行于一身的**影视制作公司,业务领域涵盖影视制作、电视广告、后期*等。我们总是不断的思考,思考再思考,以***的工作流程,高水准的**服务,细心关注的处事态度,期望为客户的**提供更强大有力的能量来源。 As a professional advertising service company that can provide one-stop service from creative planning to film making to comprehensive execution, Menfond has extended its business scope to film making, PR activities and graphic design. We are dedicated to helping build a more powerful brand for our customers through highly efficient work flow, highly professional service and highly attentive attitude.